
  • 作者:Oneflowe…
  • 2017-10-16


About US

About Beijing Oneflower Seed Company

Beijing Oneflower Horticulture Co., Ltd. was founded by Huang Jinping in Beijing Economic Technological Development Area. which is a professional horticulture company to supply you all kind of  flower seeds and the related productions, like wildflower-mixtures and so on, we have do research on flower seeds since 2007,more than 10 years of practical experience, we have helped thousands of users to solve their problem about flower use. Our customers include golf courses, highway and parks department, government agencies and seed companies worldwide. We are also conducting a series of experiments to find the best formula of seed mixture, Oneflower has always had a commitment to supplying high quality seed and best services.

Our Seed Management System supervises all aspects of quality control including germination and purity testing. This insures that your seed will be of the highest quality standards and exceed the minimum germination rates required by Industry Standard. We also cooperate with universities and participate in various industry programs to support ongoing seed research.

We have professional warehouse in Beijing which enables us to keep you seeds in the best condition, By the way, providing prompt service has always been an important facet of Beijing Oneflower Seed Company. We have staff who are graduated from professional colleges and universities could provide free telephone consultation one seed selection, planting times, soil preparation and seed techniques. We also can help formulate custom seed mixture for any climate or region of the world.

Our Contact Information:

Beijing Oneflower Horticulture Co., Ltd.

Tel/Fax: +86(10)67898360

Mobile: +86-13811327608



Address: Rm.401 Bld.2, No.100, Mid SanYang Road ,Yi Zhuang, Beijing ,100176,China



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